Profile Image for

Tom Phanes

Screenwriter, Producer.

About Me:


2018 - 2018
Kino Klub Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, Film School
2021 - 2022
Raindance Film School, Writing, Directing, Producing
2023 - 2023
City Academy, Writing, Directing


My Work and Credits:

Zero-Player (2022)

About: “Zero-Player” follows the plight of an intrepid private investigator on a mission that ends up unraveling the very fabric of the story itself. In exploring themes of metaphysical and psychological horror, this short grounds the protagonist in a journey of discovery mixed with the occult and surreal.


Fun stuff:

Directors I love:

Panos Cosmatos, Yorgos Lanthimos, David Lynch, Jim Jarmusch, Lars von Trier, David Cronenberg, Steven Soderbergh

Writers I Respect:

Franz Kafka, Philip K. Dick, Stanislaw Lem, Charlie Kaufman, Bret Easton Ellis

Books I have given my friends:

Philip K. Dick - The Simulacra