About Me:

Website: writemovies.com
Where I work: I run my own company or organisation
Technical Skills: Script Formatting, Web Design (WordPress, Photoshop), Film and Video Production, Graphic and Illustrative Design (Photoshop), Audio Production (Adobe Audition, Radioman, VCS, etc), Video Editing (Premiere, Final Cut, DaVinci Resolve)


My Work and Credits:

CITIZENS satirical web series (2015)

About: Darkly comical interactive series about would-be identity thieves, designed for interaction: "One series. Two Million Interpretations. Just two ways to the truth."

Fun stuff:

Films I wish I had made:

American Beauty, Pi, The Usual Suspects, Gran Torino, Fight Club

I cried watching:

WALL-E (first half hour!)

Writers I Respect:

Shakespeare and Swift especially.

My desert island discs:

Anything that's energetic or involving, especially if it's got a deep and wise meaning and emotion behind it. Eg: Pulp, Sunrise; Pink Floyd, Time; Tennant/Lowe/Dresdner Simfoniker, Nyet (from Battleship Potemkin soundtrack).