Events: BAFTA Crew

Posted January 19th, 2016 by Matt Turner


BAFTA will be running their ‘BAFTA Crew’ scheme for the fourth year soon, and have opened applications for entrants.

Its an initiative we are quite fond of and one we feel falls in line with Shooting People’s values, recognising that films are not made by a single person, but as part of a collaborative process of many talented, often under appreciated, individuals. BAFTA Crew aims to connect emergent “below the line” talent with experienced industry professionals across all of film’s many disciplines and other new filmmakers through a number of masterclasses, events and networking meetups spread across a year-long programme.

Firstly, before elaborating any further, its worth noting: to be eligible for BAFTA Crew 2016 you need to be based in the UK and have: 2-4 main team credits in feature film or broadcast television, and that to join BAFTA Crew costs £25 if you are regional, or £30 if London based. Also, as this is a scheme built to increase opportunities for ‘crew’ members in film, producers, directors and writers, this isn’t one for you.

Within the programme, BAFTA will be offering: masterclasses with BAFTA’s pool of industry experts and decision makers, live streams and round tables, networking events on and offline, tickets to BAFTA’s events programme, podcasts and other online resources.

To give a taste of what sort of sessions they’ll be offering, last year, they held talks from composer Michael Price, production designer Andy Nicholson, cinematographer Chris Menges, Vimeo’s Director of Curation Jordan McGarry, WARP Film’s Barry Ryan, and VFX supervisor Paul J. Franklin, amongst countless others, so expect similar calibre and volume this year.

You can find further details at BAFTA, and apply online at before 12pm, Wednesday 2nd March.


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