Posted Wednesday, July 28th, 2021

Our NEW SHOOTS live event programme continues online and in July horror Guru’s Prano Bailey-Bond and Jen Sheridan joined us for a truly killer masterclass. Both directors are supportive members of the SP community, and both have made a screamingly bold entrance with two of the best debut indie horrors of the year. If you’ve missed it, you can catch up with the Q&A here. They shared expert advice on developing a first feature, working on a shoestring budget, capturing

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Everyman announces Crystal Palace cinema will reopen after 50-year absence this November

Posted Monday, October 22nd, 2018 Much to the delight of many local residents who have campaigned tirelessly for over nine years, Everyman Cinemas will reopen the fully refurbished venue in South London’s Crystal Palace, fifty years after the previous cinema closed its doors. After the tireless efforts by the Picture Palace Campaign to have the building returned to its former use, Everyman Cinemas exchanged contracts on the building earlier this year and are soon to complete the restoration and refurbishment of the venue. “The

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