How Can Zipcar Help Filmmakers? In Lots of Ways. We Find out How.

Posted Wednesday, October 10th, 2018 “Having a strict budget and short notice period is something many filmmakers face, so our account managers are prepared to find the best solutions within budget and time restraints.”  A really valuable sponsor to us for this year’s inaugural SHORT CUTS Film Competition has been Zipcar. They were a company we were really keen to work with because their focus of using technology to solve a problem (decrease congestion in big cities by increasing car sharing) really spoke to

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Win the Chance to Make a Fully Funded Short for Harper’s Bazaar, Esquire and The Ritz-Carlton

Posted Thursday, July 5th, 2018 Picture this: a couple enters a bustling hotel lobby, check in, and are escorted to their suite. They enter the room, closing the door behind them. What happens next? That’s up to you to decide. Harper’s Bazaar and Esquire are have teamed ing up with The Ritz-Carlton to launch a global short-film competition that aims to discover and support the best emerging talent in the world of film. They’re looking for writer/directors (individuals or teams) to submit a finished

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Should You Get Insurance for Your Low-Budget Indie Film? We Chat to Performance Film & Media Insurance to Find Out More

Posted Thursday, July 5th, 2018 One of our sponsors for this year’s SHORT CUTS Film Competition is Performance Film & Media Insurance. We were keen to partner with them for our inaugural career-development scheme because they work a lot with filmmakers. From putting together bespoke insurance packages, to providing their simple online system, they’ve made it easy for filmmakers working on a tight budget to get the cover they need, when they need it. We thought it would be nice idea (and useful for Shooters)

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How to Make A Zero Budget Web Series

Posted Wednesday, April 18th, 2018

Two SP members, Rebecca Boey and Joseph Brett, of Jackdaw Films completed their webseries Jade Dragon last year completely out of their own pocket. In this blog post, they explain how they achieved it and offer tips for any aspiring filmmakers looking to do the same. Over to Rebecca and Joseph… We made our 19-episode comedy Jade Dragon, set in a Chinese takeaway, on zero budget. That’s not to say it didn’t cost us anything. Of course it did. It cost us

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God’s Own Country Producer, Manon Ardisson, Answers Shooter Questions

Posted Wednesday, February 21st, 2018

At our SHORT CUTS Launch Party last month, we were lucky enough to be joined by Producer and SP member Manon Ardisson who has seen huge success with the break-out hit of last year, God’s Own Country. The feature, directed by Francis Lee, premiered at Sundance 2017, winning the Special Jury Award for Directing in the World Dramatic competition. The film went on to win awards at international festivals, notably Best British Film in Edinburgh, Best International First Feature in

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Events: BAFTA Crew

Posted Tuesday, January 19th, 2016

  BAFTA will be running their ‘BAFTA Crew’ scheme for the fourth year soon, and have opened applications for entrants. Its an initiative we are quite fond of and one we feel falls in line with Shooting People’s values, recognising that films are not made by a single person, but as part of a collaborative process of many talented, often under appreciated, individuals. BAFTA Crew aims to connect emergent “below the line” talent with experienced industry professionals across all of film’s

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