Win the Chance to Make a Fully Funded Short for Harper’s Bazaar, Esquire and The Ritz-Carlton

Posted July 5th, 2018 by Helen Jack

Picture this: a couple enters a bustling hotel lobby, check in, and are escorted to their suite. They enter the room, closing the door behind them.

What happens next? That’s up to you to decide.

Harper’s Bazaar and Esquire are have teamed ing up with The Ritz-Carlton to launch a global short-film competition that aims to discover and support the best emerging talent in the world of film.

They’re looking for writer/directors (individuals or teams) to submit a finished script, of no more than 10 mins, featuring only two characters, with a focus on ‘what happens next’ inside that hotel suite. Five winners will get the opportunity to develop, direct and shoot their short film, bringing their vision to life.

Filmmaking Guidelines

In terms of tone, they are looking for something that feels smart and sophisticated as well as unique and intriguing. The focus is all in the storytelling and it can be whatever genre you choose.

All scripts must feature only two characters, however, the nature of their relationship is up to you (e.g. romantic partners; parent/child or other family member; business partners; friends, etc.). All scenes must take place entirely inside a Ritz-Carlton suite with no elaborate props or special effects.

Entries are welcome from individual writer/directors and teams of two (one director and one writer). As a writer, you cannot apply alone if you have not had experience as a director. You can also enter up to three scripts.

Shooting People is a perfect place to find a collaborator, so do post into the Filmmaker and Screenwriter bulletins with a call out to say you’re looking to work with someone in order to submit. We also recommend checking out the Script Pitch directory ( for writers who you think you’d like to work with. Don’t be shy – connect with each other for this great opportunity!

Entry Details & Competition Guidelines

Entrants must submit a treatment of their concept (max 500 words), AND a fully completed script that runs to no longer than 10 minutes on-screen. They should also include a bio (max 500 words) outlining any experience and/or creative credentials relevant to the project.

Winners must be available for four weeks pre-production, a one-week shoot (including international travel) and availability for post-production of up to four weeks post-shoot. We will confirm Exact dates will be confirmed with the winners, but the process will run for approximately 3–4 months and will start no earlier than 13 3 August 2018. Please note that in the event of any international travel, only the director will travel to location shoots.

Submissions should be emailed to, no later than midnight (BST) on July 29.

For more details, click here.

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