Claudette FLINT
About Me:
My Work and Credits:
First Love (2001)
2011, short listed by Kaos Film.

21st Century Wolf (2005)

Happy Retirement (2006)

The King in Reading (2007)

The Postman's Tale (2007)



Worzel Gummidge (2013)
Fun stuff:
West Beyrouth, He loves me,He loves me not; Full Monty, The Piano Teacher, Il Postino, The Vanishing,Cinema Paradiso, Miracle in Milan, Osama, The Barbarian Invasions, Battle Royale, Educating Rita, Jeux Interdits, Tsotsi, Volver, London to Brighton, Un Prophète and another hundred of them.
I cried when I was nine watching Immitation of Life with Lana Turner.A rare anti-racist film of the 50's. Buckets of tears for Forbidden Game (Jeux Interdits)and of course, La Strada and Kes.
Since then, not a tear.
Reservoir Dogs (sorry)
Hitchcock, Woody Allen, Patrice Leconte, Michael Haneke, Ken Loach, Polanski, Joseph Losey, Sergio Leone, Tornatore, Pasolini, Bunuel, Vittorio de Sica, Almadovar, Laetitia Colombani, Coline Serreau, Amenabar, Michael Cimino,Ang Lee, Stanley Kubrick and hundred more
Jody Foster,Gerard Depardieu, Isabelle Huppert,Isabelle Adjani, Kenneth Branagh. Jeremy Iron, Helen Mirren, Julie Walters, Morgan Freeman, Nicole Garcia, Carmen Maura, Gong Li...
I respect them all and love lots of them.However, for the moment, I love Stephan Zweig,Garcia Lorca and Haruki Murakami, Elena Ferrante.
Shostakovich’s waltz from the Jazz suite No 1 to glide above the palm trees.
Rock Around the Clock to climb the coconut trees.
Simon and Garfunkel's Scarborough Fair to remind me of Yorkshire. Jean-Jacques Goldman to remind me of France.
Sound of Silence to put up with it. The music theme of the Magnificent Seven to keep hope,and, to give me the illusion there is a god, Bach’s cantate Jesu Joy of Man’s Desire and the Beatles' Let It Be while I am dying on the sand.
A Propos of Nothing by Woody Allen,The Perfum by Patrick Suskind, Isabelle Tchang in my Town by C S Flint, Dusty Answer by Rosamund Lehman, Hundred Year of Solitude by G. Garcia Marquez, Le Sabotage Amoureux by Amelie Nothomb (Loving Sabotage)The Sound and the Fury by W. Faulkner, Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay, Belle du Seigneur by A. Cohen, (Her Lover), Tintin, Spirou and French Grammar Made Simple.
The most refined and expensive chocolates.
Without computer + bike + mobile, I would be growing cabbages in my garden.