New Shoots:
Filmmakers Awards

Submit your short film to the New Shoots: Filmmakers Awards for a chance to win mentorship, industry-standard equipment valued at over £8k including a Nikon Z 8 and lens, and other film prizes. Our awards provide a platform for all short filmmakers to showcase their work, connect with peers, and foster collaboration.
Submissions are now closed
Why the New Shoots: Filmmakers Awards?
Running for over 6 years, the New Shoots: Filmmakers Awards is our way of providing recognition for the hard work put in to make short films. Too often filmmaking can feel like a hyper-competitive struggle for the top, so we wanted to bring back some friendly fun and spotlight some of the amazing work coming from the independent film community.
As the hub for independent creatives, SP makes filmmaking easier. Whether you're looking to find or connect with crew or cast, get updated on the latest funds, get peer-to-peer support and advice on any filmmaking matters, including distribution or production needs, SP ensures you can get your next project off the ground.
Submitting is quick and easy. We accept any short film up to 30 minutes in length, including any genre, medium or release date. You can choose to not make your film visible (so this won’t affect festival submissions). For more info, you can read the full FAQ here.
Award Prizes
- A Nikon Z 8 mirrorless camera
- A Nikkor Z 35mm f/1.8 prime lens
- 1 hours mentorship from either Alice Cabanas (Head of @BFI NETWORK), Abigail Addison (Co-director @Animate Projects) or Luke Moody (Founder and Creative Producer @ LONO Studio)
- A Shure MoveMic Kit
- 1 license for Final Draft 13
- 1 year of MUBI subscription
- A ConnectPls E-Sim (fast, unlimited internet in Europe & UK for 15 days per month running for 6 months).
- Additional 1 year of Shooting People membership
- Spotlighting to Shooting People's filmmaking community
- 1 hours mentorship from either Alice Cabanas (Head of @BFI NETWORK), Abigail Addison (Co-director @Animate Projects) or Luke Moody (Founder and Creative Producer @ LONO Studio)
- A Shure MoveMic Kit
- 1 license for Final Draft 13
- A ConnectPls E-Sim (fast, unlimited internet in Europe & UK for 15 days per month running for 6 months).
- Additional 1 year of Shooting People membership
- Spotlighting to Shooting People's filmmaking community
- Additional 1 year of Shooting People membership
- Spotlighting to Shooting People's filmmaking community

Want to learn more about the Nikon Z Series and how previous New Shoots: Filmmakers Awardees are using their kit? Head to our Nikon creator library

Penelope Yeulet
New Shoots: Filmmakers Award Runner-upAside from being a spoilt, rotten brat who adores receiving gifts, the prizes from the Shooting People New Shoots competition has provided invaluable resources that would have otherwise been inaccessible to me. To be sincere for a single minute, community is the most important aspect of independent filmmaking, I would not be able to do things I am doing or make the things I am making without having the access and support of a network, this is exactly what Shooting People provides. It is like a lovely warm embrace from people that as just as strange as you are and provides resources and access to people who are willing to engage, advise and support you in your work.

Lanre Malaolu
New Shoots: Filmmakers Award WinnerLanre won the New Shoots: Filmmakers Award with his dance documentary hybrid ‘The Circle’, a bold and lyrical portrayal of two brothers, David and Sanchez, living on a Hackney council estate, in East London.
He won a Nikon Z 6 II movie kit and has been using it to shoot ever since - “I love the setup of the kit! It has everything you need. Nikon really did shoot it out of the park with this! I’m gonna take it into the studio with me for my next project.”

Bryan M. Ferguson
New Shoots: Filmmakers Award Runner-upI fought hard to get Earworm commissioned via Adult Swim and I fought even harder to get the film to look like a living cartoon with the little money we had. My wife and I ended up turning our flat upside down and redecorated our bedroom to look like a 70s living room set while I wrangled all my friends to pitch in to have leaf blowers blown in their faces while wearing stupid costumes and to help make worms and melt heads.
SP has been incredibly supportive of the bizarro films I make and have really helped champion them which shows there is a glimmer of hope for any filmmaker who feel there’s no place for their strange ideas.

David McShane
New Shoots: Filmmakers Award WinnerIt was wonderful to win the New Shoots: Filmmakers Award. I became a member of Shooting People last year and found some of my first jobs through the site, so this is just an added bonus! The prize is super exciting as it means I can continue to push my latest project forward using all the great advice, equipment and cash to make it as good as can be. Making independent animations can often be a slow, laborious prospect, so to have this support is fuel to keep making things. I look forward to seeing all the opportunities that come from Shooting People in the next year!