Profile Image for

John Lubran

Cinematographer, Camera Operator, Company Providing Film Services, Director, Journalist, Student, Training Provider.
Great Britain, Wales

About Me:

Where I work: I run my own company or organisation
Technical Skills: Producer, Writer, Director, Television camera, sound recordist. Editor etc.


Fun stuff:

Films I wish I had made:

I dont think in such terms but I have greatly appreciated such a huge and diverse range of films it would be impossible to pick out a special selection of less than fifty! Off the top of my head though, Babbets Feast, Up in Smoke, The Devil Rides Out, The Outlaw Josey Whales, Gosford Park, Sicko

I cried watching:

Anything that touches the usual emotions but of couse I'll not admit to anything more than a slight dampness around the eye because I'm far too macho

I left the cinema during:

Never. Lucky for me I can suspend my disbelief as easily as I can suspend my critical judgement, so I usualy get my monies worth.

The best thing I own:

My production companies and a very small bit of Wales