Chris Blaine
About Me:
My Work and Credits:
Art Brut - Formed A Band (2004)
Fun stuff:
High Noon, Delicatessen, A Matter Of Life And Death, Swingers, Grosse Pointe Blank, The Big Lebowski, Five Easy Pieces, Rushmore, Heat, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Casablanca, All Or Nothing.
Can't remember which ones, but there's a lot. Definitely All Or Nothing, which is really really beautiful.
Butterflies (short film now a Keane music video) - having seen it already I really couldn't face watching it again.
Michael Mann, Mike Leigh, Jean-Pierre Jeunet, the Coens, Shane Meadows, Lynne Ramsay, Wes Anderson, Powell and Pressburger.
Timothy Spall, Carl Pizzie, John Simm, Kelly MacDonald, Paddy Considine.
London Calling, Tribe Called Quest Anthology, Special Needs, Kish Kash, Sunshine Hit Me, how many am I supposed to have?
The Thin Red Line which I gave to Adam and he lost, some cinematography one I gave to Oli and both of them bought another copy to give me back but I ain't seen 'em.
Whatever I want to eat on that day. Depends.
The Hammond Organ Don gave me.