Profile Image for

Rob Speranza

Great Britain, Yorkshire and Humberside

About Me:

Where I work: I run my own company or organisation
Technical Skills: HDV Camera operation, editing on FCP, basic lighting skills, basic sound skills


My Work and Credits:

Show and Spell (2005)

About: Screen Yorkshire digital short, commissioned Nov 2005, about a little boy who thinks his Grannie is a witch...and now he has to tell the whole class about her! Will he falter?


Fun stuff:

Films I wish I had made:

The Princess Bride. When Harry Met Sally. Donnie Darko

I cried watching:

Bambi, Toy Story 3

I left the cinema during:

I have never done that.

Directors I love:

Scorsese, Burton, Coppola, Rob Reiner, Mel Brooks, Kubrick, Chris Nolan, PT Anderson, Fincher, F.W. Murnau, Fritz Lang

Actors I admire:

Gene Wilder, Sean Penn, Audrey Tartou, Jimmy Stewart, Johnny Depp, John Cusack, Tom Hardy.

Writers I Respect:

Woody Allen, Charles Bukowski, Kurt Vonnegut, Stephen King, many more.

My desert island discs:

Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, Amelie

Books I have given my friends:

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

My death row meal:

Mexican food, lasting forever.

The best thing I own:

I don't 'own' him, but my four year old son!