GABOS - Game Ain't Based on Sympathy

From Kevin Yeboah

About the film:

Speedy (Steve) Young man, mid 20’s surroundings has made him cold hearted, but he comes from a good home and his intentions are always pure. People around him use and abuse his good heart and gets into situations that have to make him act out of character in order to protect himself. He has important people in his payroll. People that are around him have known him for long but sell him out for money when the pressure for them gets too high. He has a relationship with undercover police officers because one he used to have an old school crush on and the other he plays football regularly. They always protect him and have his back in times of need but his regular people he hangs around with are not helpful in times of need. He is seeking something better for his life. He has all he wants, car, girls, family but he wants to live a better life. Not having to watch over his shoulder. He has seen friends go to jail for a long time. Some have had mental health issues and have been sectioned. Other friends who have actually made it in life and have done well and are married.

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