New Shoots:
Actors Awards


Are you looking for actors? The New Shoots: Actors Awards spotlights and uplifts dedicated, innovative performers from across the community for you to contact directly about upcoming projects.

2021 / 1

Martin Johnston  (winner)
Martin Johnston  (winner)

What film are you most excited to see on the big screen when cinemas are open and why?

Ammonite. Francis Lee’s debut film God’s Own Country is a film of immense passion. So his new film Ammonite is a film I am eager to see. His attention to the minutiae of detail is breathtakingly creative. He makes you feel the film through immersion. The use of sound and imagery creates an almost textured approach to cinematic storytelling. As an actor, his approach to character exploration and development is one that excites me. Affording his actors the time to develop truthful characters before shooting. For me he is an exceptional filmic storyteller and definitely an actor's director.

Which actor would you most like to be stuck on a desert island with and why?

Ian McKellan. I recently saw him online with other knights and dames and he was so funny. I think he'd be able to teach me so much through his life experience. He could regale me with stories of people he's worked with and tell me all the salacious gossip that I'm sure he was privy to. I'd also be able to pick his brains on acting matters and learn more on what skills are best to acquire next.

Which actor would you most like to be stuck on a desert island with and why?

The actor who I would most like to be stuck on a desert island with would definitely be Tom Hanks, because of his amazing role in Cast Away. I will be able to learn from him how to survive on a desert island; from building a fire to catching fish. In addition, because of his heart of gold personality. I think I'll be able to get along with him really well; being able to talk about anything from acting to life itself. And also I'll be a much better listener than his Volleyball friend Wilson.

Which actor would you most like to be stuck on a desert island with and why?

Gary Oldman. Cause he's Gary Oldman. Imagine the stuff you could learn and the craic you would have and the things you would talk about with Gary Oldman. He's Gary Oldman like...

Which actor would you most like to be stuck on a desert island with and why?

I think the actor I would choose is Anthony Hopkins because
1/ he looks like a fun and lovely guy (I mean have you seen his instagram videos?), and
2/ he would have so many interesting stories from his career that I would never get bored. 
Hopefully he won't eat me (right?)

What film are you most excited to see on the big screen when cinemas are open and why?

The French Dispatch: it is based on an incredible book and Wes Anderson is one of my favourite directors; his films are so fun,  unique and beautiful. Willem Dafoe, Tilda Swinton and Bill Murray are all actors that I have followed for years and I really admire their talent. Timothée Chalamet and Saoirse Ronan are two very promising rising stars that have amazing on-screen chemistry. If the trailers are anything to go by, it has all the elements to become one of my all-time favourite films.

Which actor would you most like to be stuck on a desert island with and why?

Kathy Burke. I've watched her since childhood; first when she was mainly known as an actress and then have followed her as a director on her screen and stage work. Her attitude to life is reflected in her work so much. She is proud of her background, she's unapologetic, knows her worth and is truthful. Having the chance to find out about her approach to the industry and insights to her character work would be incredible. I think she would be straight-talking, a great laugh and could be a real mentor to me.

What film are you most excited to see on the big screen when cinemas are open and why?

It has to be Ma Rainey's Black Bottom. It was the closest thing I've gotten to watching musical theatre this year. Apart from the incredible actors, it was visually stunning! The set, the costumes, the music; truly a masterpiece. Viola Davies went above and beyond for Ma's character.

Which actor would you most like to be stuck on a desert island with and why?

Viggo Mortensen. I think he's an excellent actor with a very unique talent. I've seen many of his films, but Captain Fantastic is my favourite. It's such a remarkable film, and I'd recommend everyone to watch it. That's why I also like writing drama scripts. I just want to make movies that imitate life, what makes us human, what is the meaning of life, etc. He's also not the type who loves the spotlight like many actors do. I'd therefore like to be stuck on a desert island with him, to get some good acting advice from him.