
Phone: 07863 180 802

I'm a DoP and self-shooting director with extensive experience across all genres.

Alongside my shooting I run bespoke camera and lighting training designed to help people get to grips with their equipment, shoot and light better, or learn new cameras.

Take a look at my website for more details on my experience, and be in touch with any enquiries.

Current Listings

Sound Producer Editing Director Camera/Lighting

Bespoke Camera, Lighting & Self-Shooting Training

Logo for Bespoke Camera, Lighting & Self-Shooting Training

114 High Street
Manchester M4 1HQ

North West Short Course

One-to-One training for Self-Shooters, documentary camera operators and branded content shooters.

I'm a professional DoP, camera operator and self-shooting director, with 20 years experience working in TV, documentary, branded content and promos. Alongside my shooting work I offer bespoke camera and lighting tuition with a focus on self-shooters and solo operators.

This training is of most benefit for those wanting to improve their shooting skills for TV and documentary (such as APs, researchers, self-shooters), and those wanting to get to grip with new cameras, improve their interview lig… more

Start date:
Thu. 6th Mar 2025

More Info: Self-Shooter Training - …

Producer Editing Director Camera/Lighting Sound

Bespoke Camera, Lighting & Self-Shooting Training

Logo for Bespoke Camera, Lighting & Self-Shooting Training

11 Dallington Street
London EC1V 0BG

London Short Course

One-to-One training for Self-Shooters, documentary camera operators and branded content shooters.

I'm a professional DoP, camera operator and self-shooting director, with 20 years experience working in TV, documentary, branded content and promos. Alongside my shooting work I offer bespoke camera and lighting tuition with a focus on self-shooters and solo operators.

This training is of most benefit for those wanting to improve their shooting skills for TV and documentary (such as APs, researchers, self-shooters), and those wanting to get to grip with new cameras, improve their interview lig… more

Start date:
Thu. 6th Mar 2025

More Info: Self-Shooter Training - …