How to get hired in Film and TV
I performed two surveys on almost 1,300 TV and film employers to find out what's the best advice for new entrants into our industries.
The results are rather long and can be fou…
1 response, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
Great post, and I agree with most of the responses to the survey. Tenacity also goes a long way - if I'm crewing a feature I'm going to be looking to get department heads in firs…
Dated flat or house needed for one day shoot
We're looking for a flat or house ideally located within no longer than an hour drive from London. It is for a one day film shoot with a crew cast of 14 on a weekend in October. I…
10 years, 5 months ago
Any suggestions for earpiece use for filmmakers
I'm looking for an earpiece option to use for my 'actors' on set in front of camera. The requirement is for lines to be fed to them remotely but I'm looking for a solution that is…
6 responses, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
Thanks Janis - I'd looked at that in passing, but was worried about the quality. Good to know that you've used it and recommend it. I may give it a try as a test.
Looking to hire a rundown house location in London for a 3/4 day shoot in early October.
We are shooting a short film in early October and looking for a rundown/dated house or flat as our leading (old) ladys' residence. Ideally with as much clutter & 'nick knacks'…
1 response, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
Hi Tim,
I think I might live in the place you're looking for!
If you email me I can send you pictures and info if you like it we can discuss the rate etc.
Cheers, Greg
Looking for a period cottage (writer's retreat) with access to woods and a stream if possible - pay…
Looking for a period cottage (writer's retreat sort of thing) with access to woods and a stream if possible - can offer up to £500 a week depending on size and location of propert…
2 responses, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
I've sent you a pm for a place that assuming you want it as a writing Garrett will be great, but not be suitable as a location, really.
looking for Council Estate – High-rise building With access to a roof and elevator
Hi Shooters
I am looking for a Council Estate with access to Roof and elevator High-rise building should be 6 stories or more higher. roof it should have a small roof cabin/roo…
2 responses, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
I'm actually for the exact same location Mariom, let me know if you have any luck
Movies for adults. What movies for adults?
Interesting article in New Yorker magazine about the lack of movies for people, well, my age.
Here's a tidbit:
Over the weekend, Mark Harris, the author of two instant-classic m…
17 responses, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
Absolutely, Ellin. American action films do extremely well overseas. Studios are bending over backwards to meet China's story limitations to try and break into that huge market.
What is your experience of using Kindle or other eBook readers for reading screenplays?
What is your experience of using Kindle or other eBook readers for reading screenplays?
In particular, how does the formatting hold up when importing PDFs? Any other general comm…
3 responses, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
I use iBooks on my iPad to read screenplays. I do it all the time. It's my default preferred way to read any screenplay PDF. If the script has been exported via Final draft as a P…
Looking for a rehearsal space in London for 2 actors.
I am looking for a rehearsal space in London for 2 actors for a number of 4 hour sessions. Please email paolo99@icloud.com with any suggestions.
2 responses, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
http://www.bloomsburyfilmstudio.co.uk Is our video studio right behind Russell Square Station so very central. We can give you rehearsal room rates when the studio is not booked o…
Do you want your completed short or feature film showcased?
Guvnor Media ltd are launching a new channel in their already successful online TV company. The new TV channel will showcase independent filmmakers and films including interviews …
10 years, 5 months ago
directing into acting
Hi all! - It seems it was/is the popular thing to be an actor first then be a director. So, how does one go from directing to acting? (Personal question) - Thanks!
5 responses, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
Cont.. Could, I suppose, become actors, but not without learning a great deal. (Sorry - not easy on an iPhone...)
I wish to make a complaint...
A friend of mine has just taken delivery of silly amounts of gear - he runs a film department.
The observation is that the "top name" British companies tended to pack stuff in c…
10 years, 5 months ago
documentary cinematography
In documentaries you can't always say hold it, I'll go get the lighting equipment, or the cinematographer. It would would be something like telling someone who wants to attack you…
20 responses, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
Peter, thanks. I missed the forest for the trees!
best university
i am started brit school bdc soon and was wondering what is the best university to go to after brit school. i was thinking to go and study in america because there directing and p…
13 responses, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
Well the BBC is a very large organisation Len so I imagine there's all sorts of variations to a rule. Without knowing the specifics of your friends circumstances I can't comment b…
Looking for a Basement/Garage - Stone/brick room with no windows for one day shoot - last minute- t…
Hi everyone,
I am shooting a no-budget feature and am in desperate need of a basement or dark, stoney space for a day. Had something booked in which has fallen through for this …
2 responses, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
Oh yes, sorry! Just noticed that! London. It's all portable gear, regular power sockets or one in reach of an extension cable needed.
You want to make a Horror or sciFi movie? Have you considered 3D..?
Looking for a way to make your genre film stand out from the rest?
How do you give your film that extra edge over the competition? That extra something they don't have, that dist…
80 responses, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
Yup. You always get someone coming in with "I hate 3D!", which turns into arguing over whether their 'reasons' have any real basis. They don't. But really, as you say, it's a matt…
Looking for a bedroom, dining/kitchen and library/student centre space anywhere in London up to £20…
Hi there. 'Horndog' is looking for locations to shoot in weekend of September 13-14, either Saturday or Sunday, possibly adding either 12th Friday or 15th Monday for a half day. …
1 response, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
Hi Natasha - I can cover two rooms in house with aspect to street, Jackie
Best documentary since... The Act of Killing.
Many consider "The Act of Killing" to be one of the best films of the last few years.
I've been out of the loop a bit and want to see some freshly released documentaries on DVD,…
14 responses, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
Add 'Splinters' to that. A slow starting doc. but quite moving and a really great piece of work from a first time filmmaker.
Shooting with an iphone 5s
Hi guys We're shooting a mock/documentary using an iphone 5s, a gopro, and maybe using an iphone 4 for some extra angles here and there. I've read that Filmicpro is a good app for…
6 responses, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
No problem. If you'd like anymore pointers or advice, just message me - I'd be happy to help.
How piracy hurts independent film...
This issue came up in the discussion on 3D, where I pointed out that you can't pirate 3D movies. Someone seemed upset about this!
There seems to be a mindset, that harks back to …
39 responses, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
@Kays Alatrakchi No, I do not cry myself to sleep at night (no need to be a douche).
I was researching for a doc on piracy, so I just happen to know a lot about it from both sid…
Upgrading from Sony Z5...
I've had my Sony Z5 for around 5 years and, even though it's done me well, I'm looking into getting a new camera.
Most of the stuff I do is ENG type stuff and corporate so I…
11 responses, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
Believe it or not, I've been looking for those empirical graphs of the drop in price of equipment over time (price of first hand equipment) This guy says every time cumulative pr…
Anybody out there with a C300 EF mount interested in renting it out from time to time?
1 response, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
Hi Massimo,
We've got a brand new C300 kit which we would be open to renting out from time to time.
Message me...
A call for Film-making enthusiasts from East Central London for a regular action-based meetup. Are …
I mainly write and am working on a feature script at the moment with some short films lined up, hoping to be made one day. I also don't mind doing some acting and basically doing …
8 responses, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
Dear Marks :) thanks for your responses. Could you please join the meetup group if you are interested in attending the meetups. http://www.meetup.com/LetsMakeASceneLondon/events/1…
What percentage of a film crew is female?
As many of you shooters know, I blog weekly about film data and statistics. Normally my audience is almost exclusively industry but this week I seem to have hit a nerve and it's …
28 responses, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
Hello folks, I just wanted to wade in to say thank you Stephen for your excellent research. It's great that your stats had so much coverage in the media recently. I started a si…
I would like to find a retired pyschotherapist to help me with a feature film script.
Please contact me directly if you know anyone who may be interested. Thx
2 responses, most recent 10 years, 5 months ago.
Hi - I'm a trained psychotherapist (now coach) based in London. I have made a couple of short films as well.. Happy to have a coffee and see if I could be of any help - it sounds …