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I would like to assist on film shoots in London to gain more experience in film-making and make con…

I am a media graduate and I am mostly interested in directing and acting....thanks!!

12 years ago
Original Post from Andrew Ryland
Most recent response from Pedro Ribeiro
Can anyone recommend a camera rental place in south London?

I'm just looking for accessories to hire for a small 5D shoot on a weekend in September - so basics like a set of primes, tripod, slider, etc.

6 responses, most recent 12 years ago.

I have camera 7D kit with 3 primes and one zoom if it helps.

Original Post from Pedro Ribeiro
Any tips I need to know before using canon c300 and sony fs700?


12 years ago
Original Post from Emma Dove
Final Cut Pro 5 - help needed! Having problems with file codecs, poor quality playback in the timel…

Hi folks,

I've recently started editing a project in Final Cut Pro 5, but I'm having some issues...

First of all, I could not directly transfer .mtv (avchd) files in to final …

6 responses, most recent 12 years ago.

Hi all, thanks for all your responses. I think I've now cracked it...!

Neil - FCP 5 doesn't come up with this message, it just simply shows up a red render line if the clips don…

Original Post from Alasdair Mackay
I am in the market for a camera and lens. Budget is around £1400. Was looking at Canon DSLRs. Any a…

This budget is just for the camera and lens. I am budgeting for audio, lighting and other equipment on top!

12 years ago
Original Post from Claire Creswell
Most recent response from Dennis Mabry
I am trying to upload to Withoutabox from Adobe Premiere Pro 7 on a PC. They accepted my wmv files…

SHould I donwload Flash and try to export my file to them and then via them to Withoutabox??

7 responses, most recent 12 years ago.

As Peter said, v7 of Adobe Premiere *Pro* doesn't exist, but apparently v7 of Adobe Premiere was released around 2003: Perhaps tha…

Most recent response from Beaumont Loewenthal
How to I convert a large 150 gb quicktime file to 8 gb without loseing quality?

I have a short film stored on hard drive in quicktime format I need to covert to apple prores 422 and reduce its size to 8 gb can I just import it into fcp and compress it? any id…

5 responses, most recent 12 years ago.

I think Peter answered your question the best. If you are done with editing it and want to compress it purely for storage or uploading to the internet, then go for h.264 as it'll …

Original Post from siobhan schwartzberg
Most recent response from Jamie Kennerley
I want to hire out my film equipment for other people to use. So far I can't find an insurance comp…

I've been searching for an insurer for months now that will cover me for hiring my equipment out. So far all I've been offered is insurance for if I want to hire equipment myself.…

6 responses, most recent 12 years ago.

I was insured to rent out my kit with Towergate, who also insisted that whoever rents it from me has their own insurance to cover their hire from you. Your being covered to rent o…

Original Post from Christopher Lang
Panasonic GH2 vs Canon MKII for shooting short films on; reviews shooters please

Also lots of cameraman jobs are coming up asking for the Canon MKII/III as kit, is this just because this is the most known of the DSLR camera range or is it because all others ar…

12 years ago
Original Post from Andrew Ionides
Has anyone filmed at night time on train carriages/ train platforms/ underpasses with a zero budget…

Just wondering what the best method is to achieve professional results without additional camera/lighting equipment as we can't afford them or location fees for train companies...…

7 responses, most recent 12 years ago.

By the way, does anyone know if there are any penalty's for filming without permission on carriages or stations?

Original Post from Sam Mardon
Most recent response from Yen Rickeard
Permissions before and after?

I'm going to be making a film for a 48 hour competition, but I'm a little hazy on the levels of permissions I'm going to need in terms of locations; there's some places like house…

2 responses, most recent 12 years ago.

Get used to doing it! The locations you can get for free, have your release form ready and get someone to sign it. If it your house/flat/garden, you sign it. Shooting on the stree…

Original Post from Sean Martin
Most recent response from Paul Lavers
DV or U-matic screening copies - which is better?

I have a mini DV copy of an old film of mine that is on u-Matic. Can someone please refresh my memory - would the mini DV copy be as good (lossless?) the old u-Matic> Which wou…

1 response, most recent 12 years ago.

The Mini DV is probably more reliable, and I certainly wouldn't rely on a U-Matic playback machine, as all too often the playback will result in a devouring of the tape. Depending…

Original Post from Paul Williams
Most recent response from Jim Peakman
Kickstarter versus Indiegogo.

I'm doing research into which crowd sourcing website is best for a feature film production. Any experiences, tales, advice greatly appreciated.

1 response, most recent 12 years ago.

I've just finished a campaign with indie go go for a short film. We managed to raise just over our $3000 target. There are a few points though that I think helped. Have a finished…

Original Post from Justin Temple
Most recent response from Ned Hussain
DSLR or not?

I’m a documentary producer but I like to shoot a bit as well. I’m looking to buy my own camera and am grappling with the question of whether to go down the DSLR road or not. I’ve …

11 responses, most recent 12 years ago.

Canon XHA1 is much cheaper and does great. If you want to add lenses you should also purchase SGBlade with some nice lens

Can anyone recommend an attorney who can assist in an Errors & Omissions inusrance application.…

And does anyone have experience in obtaining this type of insurance. It's turning out to be quite expensive!

12 years ago
Original Post from Emma Dove
Most recent response from Paul Gilbert
Buying own equipment for the first time and looking for advice on the best way to insure it?

Hi everyone,

I am looking for advice for the best/most sensible way to insure my kit. I am wondering if it is best to insure all of my kit on my contents insurance, or whether I…

7 responses, most recent 12 years ago.

I use Towergate, they seem good and reasonably priced. Also if you join BECTU you get public liability insurance.

Original Post from Jim Peakman
Does anyone have any decent Do's and Don't tips regarding Short Film distribution?

Currently looking to distribute a short film around festivals. Wondering if it would be best to enter the film myself or look for a distribution deal. Any tips?

2 responses, most recent 12 years ago.

Thank you, that's a great help.

Original Post from Claire Creswell
Most recent response from Keith Rodway
In Adobe Premiere Pro how do I export in MPEG or WMV in 16:9? It keeps returning to 4:3.

This is for Youtube or Vimeo.

1 response, most recent 12 years ago.

Go to the media encoder. Under format choose H.264. Under preset choose Vimeo HD, or YouTube Widescreen etc - any widescreen setting. Make sure you select PAL and 16:9, under 'vid…

Original Post from Camille DeBiase
Most recent response from Chris Michael Fretwell
Okay, now that my screenplay is completed, how do I generate interest?

Do I get an agent, a lawyer? Do I make a website, do I create a blog, do I throw my script into producers' backyards? I have no clue, please help. Thank you.

6 responses, most recent 12 years, 1 month ago.

Get it professionally consulted...brace yourself, this is the first rung of the professional writing ladder, if you get any other advice ignore it. Industrial Scripts are very goo…

Original Post from amine Yahia-Cherif
Can anyone recommend a nice audition & rehearsal space that I can use in East/North London area?

I am looking for a room/space that I can use for audition, I have visited pubs around Islington area and came up short, I wondered whether anyone can recommend a place that I can …

12 years, 1 month ago
Original Post from INDIVISION FILMS
Most recent response from Andrew Rowe
Has anyone filmed a theatre show at the Royal Court or any other notable London theatre venue?

I could use some advice about filming a professional theatre show and would love to hear from anyone - sound and camera especially - who has experience doing this.
If you have exp…

6 responses, most recent 12 years, 1 month ago.

I have been involved in quite a few shoots in theatres (Royal Festival Hall, Royal Albert Hall etc), both as a camera op and sound mixer. It is very important to strike up good co…

Original Post from Marc Paydon
Most recent response from Joe Tunmer
Does anyone know any Camera Hire companies in Abu Dhabi?

Z1s or EXs For Hire in September?

2 responses, most recent 12 years, 1 month ago.

You could try this guy, who I met at the Abu Dhabi Film Festival in 2010. He's based in Dubai, but shoots in Abu Dhabi, too:

Also, Alice Kharoubi …

Can anyone recommend some good sites that have free stock video footage?

Can anyone recommend some good sites that have free stock video footage?


4 responses, most recent 12 years, 1 month ago.

Thanks for all the comments. The best site I have found is None of it is free and if you use the video for non commercial or educational purposes it has very good p…

Most recent response from Ned Hussain
can anyone steer me in the right direction as I need a good video camera, hopefully a cannon with a…


4 responses, most recent 12 years, 1 month ago.

Original Post from Ben Latcham
Is '3 holes' an unbreakable rule?

Can anyone help with a formatting question? I understand that the industry standard for screenplays is for three holes punched in the side of the script, but I can't seem to find …

3 responses, most recent 12 years, 1 month ago.

I'm about to approach UK agents with a spec script, and I just wanted to make sure I'm in with the best chance of being read. Thanks for your help!

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