Louis Hessey-Antell Contact
The Shore

Two strangers wake up on a beach, battered and bruised. How did they get there? Stay tuned, and your patience will be rewarded.

Low Budget (< £100k)

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Alexander Conway Contact
The Icenian

In the aftermath of his tribe’s failed uprising against Rome, a despairing young Icenian farmer joins the occupying Roman army in his passionate quest to find his beautiful, spirited bride sold into slavery to an arrogant Roman governor.

Action & Adventure
High Budget (> £500k)

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Paul Holbrook Contact

A tough, old-skool copper goes undercover to bring down gangster #1. The case hits a snag when she falls in love with her mark whilst London's underworld prepare for battle around them.

Medium Budget (< £500k)

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Sylvia Love Johnson Contact

In the conquering of the self Death Comes before Rebirth
A group of actors working on a film take dangerously, to the extreme, their character building while preparing for their role to the point that fiction and reality become two directly opposing and conflicting forces by which their fate is decided.
A Character driven story motored by the dark elements in human nature. Exposed, psychoanalysis leading to the thriller element. Unexpected twists throughout in the work of preparation for a role, a strong love seeks redemption element.

Low Budget (< £100k)

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Stuart Price Contact

A voyeuristic landlord, who would rather watch than deal with anyone directly, finds one of his lodgers dead and must choose between the world discovering his secret or dealing with the body himself.

Medium Budget (< £500k)

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Dave Stevens Contact
The Spark

The imminent destruction of a seaside pavilion with great personal significance, leads Gran and hyperactive granddaughter Milly to break in for one last trip down memory lane - and the recovery of some buried (not to say illict) treasure.

Low Budget (< £100k)

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Miguel Postigo Contact

Ivan wake up in a future where people have not feeling and everything is cybernetic. An illness runs through his body so he must decide if he wants to live a cyborg or die.

Low Budget (< £100k)

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Lanre Ajayi Contact
Inevitabilis (The Inevitable)

Matt realises he cannot run from his past any longer. Coming face to face with that which he has avoided is only the beginning as he is faced with a potentially fatal choice.

Low Budget (< £100k)

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Lynwood Shiva Sawyer Contact
My Brother Fruitcake

A fractured family, rifts aggravated by antics of the alcoholic, borderline schizophrenic youngest son, achieves a measure of reconciliation one crazy Christmas night.

Medium Budget (< £500k)

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Michael Brandon Contact
Killing in the Land of Plenty

When three siblings move to a cottage in the country, their former gangland boss decides to use it as a safe house.
Peace and quiet comes with a terrible cost.

Medium Budget (< £500k)
TV Pilot

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