In the aftermath of his tribe’s failed uprising against Rome, a despairing young Icenian farmer joins the occupying Roman army in his passionate quest to find his beautiful, spirited bride sold into slavery to an arrogant Roman governor.
Action & Adventure
High Budget (> £500k)
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In the conquering of the self Death Comes before Rebirth
A group of actors working on a film take dangerously, to the extreme, their character building while preparing for their role to the point that fiction and reality become two directly opposing and conflicting forces by which their fate is decided.
A Character driven story motored by the dark elements in human nature. Exposed, psychoanalysis leading to the thriller element. Unexpected twists throughout in the work of preparation for a role, a strong love seeks redemption element.
Low Budget (< £100k)
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The imminent destruction of a seaside pavilion with great personal significance, leads Gran and hyperactive granddaughter Milly to break in for one last trip down memory lane - and the recovery of some buried (not to say illict) treasure.
Low Budget (< £100k)
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