Biting romantic dramedy set in gritty 1989 Manhattan. A self-destructive young comedy writer falls for the girl of his dreams, only to discover that being in love kills his edge, so he’s forced to sabotage his relationship, then try to win her back. A behind-the-scenes look at shallow television during globally tumultuous times.
CRIME qualifier: He's a kleptomaniac
INSPIRATION: Embellished from my observations as the youngest comedy writer at HBO’s now-defunct Comedy Channel. This basic-cable channel sunk but jump-started careers for Jon Stewart and writers who went on to dominate late night TV.
High Budget (> £500k)
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The English countryside becomes the English countrycide...A slightly surreal non-linear story where the tales of five people are entwined as they ramble about fields and forests with one thought on their minds. To kill people for fun...
Low Budget (< £100k)
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When a father and son's argument about the fate of the family farm causes the entirety of their male lineage to start appearing, the pair must find a way to come to terms before the whole family kills each other.
Low Budget (< £100k)
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Forced to undergo a sex change operation to
get out of jail a violent transsexual goes
on a rampage through politically correct Sweden,
only for it to emerge that his/her yearning for
transformation goes very much deeper than
mere gender.
Low Budget (< £100k)
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When a footloose but unfulfilled 30-something comes back home to discover that his family home is being sold, his first love and one that got away is getting married, and his best friend has built a time-machine, he decides to travel back in time to stop his teenage self from screwing things up. Unfortunately, neither his teenage self, his first love, nor her future fiance are about to take that lying down.
Low Budget (< £100k)
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