Kevin Haworth Contact

Max's love-life is in the toilet. Following a very passive aggressive text argument, he heads down into Leeds (his home city) at the behest of his best friend, Jimmy. Proposing a day of contemplation and distraction, Jimmy advises Max dump his girlfriend and move on in every way possible. Meeting up with a pair of Jimmy's friends, Dave and Chris, the lads are dragged from one bizarre scenario to another. Ranging from an impromptu musical number to several long, drawn-out fights, the lads and Max in particular learn just how strange this life can be.

Low Budget (< £100k)

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Chris Carfaro Contact
On Saturday

A group of friends struggle to find their way through life after realizing college is over and real adults do not exist. through their joint experiences, they find out what really is happiness, love, and how urinals relate to pornography.

Low Budget (< £100k)

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Michael Brandon Contact
Killing in the Land of Plenty

When three siblings move to a cottage in the country, their former gangland boss decides to use it as a safe house.
Peace and quiet comes with a terrible cost.

Medium Budget (< £500k)
TV Pilot

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James Tapp Contact

The unattached official compiler of The Relationship Survey has his single life turned upside down when he acquires two girlfriends at the same time.

Medium Budget (< £500k)

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JC Verona Contact

A woman wakes up in someone's else place after a random night out.

Low Budget (< £100k)

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Darren Roberts Contact
Plague of Apes

When a group of friends wake up to find their town is overrun with “mutant zombie were-apes” They decide doing a runner to the countryside is probably a good idea, the keyword being, probably, sufficed to say they have a terrible time of it but manage to figure out how to end the plague of apes and set off to spread the word.

Medium Budget (< £500k)

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Darren Roberts Contact
Clarence, the 5th

Clarence is supposed to purify the land and "tidy away the world" after the apocalypse but due to a "slight clerical error" it was accidentally started several thousand years too early and unfortunately for Clarence, he’s been lumbered with clean-up duty.

Low Budget (< £100k)
TV Pilot

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Darren Roberts Contact
Is this life?

When struggling writer Hapi finally gets his big break, his pessimistic mind won't let him accept that it's all going to last, until his imagination starts to fight back.

Low Budget (< £100k)

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brian smith Contact
A funny thing happened at the Bank.

A mishap bank robbery that ends up with a hostage. who is unexpectedly more than was bargained for. And a police sargent, with 20 years experience. Who decides on his own interpretation of the bank robbery. That the hostage is in league with the bank robbers, a lookout. The bank robber's sister who has rather more influence on the judge than would be imagined. And the sargent's superior, the inspector. Who has to constantly deal with the sargent's own interpretation of the law. Even if it includes as the sgt calls it applying the rubber band. stretching the law. At which his inspector tells him. We do nit use rubber bands in my police force. We use the law.

Low Budget (< £100k)

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Peter Spencer Contact

'When a 17 year old thief steals a magic stone, he accidentally swaps bodies with an 80 year old man who has 10 days to live.'

High Budget (> £500k)

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