The film unfolds in the last remaining days that it's manchild hero, Oscar – a
perpetually stoned social maladroit, has to find a way to repay the debt he has
accrued from the wrong people. More partner in mischief then responsible
parent, Oscar simultaneously unveils a seductively chaotic world to his son while
also not being above exploiting the child for his own hapless criminal
Low Budget (< £100k)
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A British oil & gas worker is the only survivor of a group of hostages kidnapped in Iraq. Now a free man, he is called upon by the secret services of Iran and England to help track down the group responsible. Two countries with a common aim but no political relationship.
High Budget (> £500k)
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An aikido expert and former remote viewer, betrayed by one of his old comrades, must once again train with his old sensei in order to avenge the death of his wife and save his comatose daughter from her prison in the ether.
Medium Budget (< £500k)
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A short film with the potential to be made into a feature. 'An Innocent Dear' follows Ann who is psychotic but in an understated way. Her husband Hugo is also psychotic, he is a writer who in order to get inspiration and material, his wife Ann finds men and they both work out ways in which they can murder them. She speaks to Derren a slight lowlife who tells her about the prank that him and his pals play on each other at their birthdays and TJ a chef who works long hours in a hotel. But there is an eerie nature in some scenes.
Low Budget (< £100k)
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