A space crew returns to a decimated Earth after a long trip. Continents are under water, technology is lost and women are in short supply. Captain Rochelle Anderson becomes the focus of local law man Commander Jackson, who tries to get rid of her crew by drugging them and dumping them in the mountains. Her engineer, Tommy is a Native American who knows how to survive using his tribal traditions and the crew return to rescue Rochelle from Jackson's clutches along with Ben, Tommy's estranged father. Tommy's always loved Rochelle but she's been mourning the death of her husband and daughter while they were away. But it turns out that Mia, the daughter, is alive and being held by Jackson as a bargaining tool. Ben is wounded and dies, and Tommy must work out how to control his burgeoning spiritual abilities and to honour his father. But before he can defeat Jackson, he must find his tribal name by going on a vision quest. Only then can he combine earth energy and space engineering to outwit the law man and win Rochelle.
High Budget (> £500k)
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An aikido expert and former remote viewer, betrayed by one of his old comrades, must once again train with his old sensei in order to avenge the death of his wife and save his comatose daughter from her prison in the ether.
Medium Budget (< £500k)
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When Danny the dog moves to a small town, he doesn’t expect his super-hero past to catch up with him. He just wants a normal highschool life, but an evil preying mantis with a secret agenda has a different idea.
Medium Budget (< £500k)
TV Pilot
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A short film with the potential to be made into a feature. 'An Innocent Dear' follows Ann who is psychotic but in an understated way. Her husband Hugo is also psychotic, he is a writer who in order to get inspiration and material, his wife Ann finds men and they both work out ways in which they can murder them. She speaks to Derren a slight lowlife who tells her about the prank that him and his pals play on each other at their birthdays and TJ a chef who works long hours in a hotel. But there is an eerie nature in some scenes.
Low Budget (< £100k)
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