Matt Simmonds Contact

A health and wellbeing influencer determined to help others is forced to help herself as haunting visions appear after engaging with a new and mysterious social media platform.

Low Budget (< £100k)

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john collings Contact

7 DUOLOGUES all simple to film only 2 characters.

FRIENDS two people meet and fall in love.

‘KELLY & DONALD’. A BLACK COMEDY. About 2 mentally ill people who share a bed-sit. Length 30-40 mins. Cast 2m. Or can be played by 2 fm’s. Authors note: I wrote this when I was counselling clients with mental health problems and feared they may be left with-out support, to fend for themselves. This play I am sure is what happens, sometimes.

BUDDHISM is a short play about a chauvinist male who is sent by his wife to learn about Buddhism to a Buddhist Monk.M2

THE LOVERS is a short play about 3 sections of a couple’s life together. M1 F1
TWO PREGNANT WOMEN a short comedy.

ELOPE is about a young girl waiting for her boyfriend so they can elope. F2

2 MEN TALKING about past relationships

Low Budget (< £100k)

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Tilly Upton Contact
Lost Connection

Lost Connection is a comedy drama that explores the realities of friendship and connection post-COVID. These days many people struggle with feeling a lack of meaningful connections in their lives. I want to explore the difficulties and complexities of that.

Medium Budget (< £500k)
TV Pilot

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Anna Barzotti Contact
Jackie Q, I love you

Carly’s fleeing another fight, Jackie’s got a psycho stepdad and everyone’s nagging Noel to go get the booze and skins already for a party in the park. Another typical day in an eighties outer London suburb where the racists never get your heritage right and your mum is probably an alien.

Low Budget (< £100k)
TV Pilot

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Rhys Thompson Contact
The Snowflake killer

Two podcasters accidentally bring a notorious serial killer from the 1980's back to life, after using a new hologram app.

High Budget (> £500k)

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Daniel Eagleton Contact
The Opportunist

Sinead is working the night shift in a betting shop when an armed robber bursts in, demanding the day's takings. On closer inspection, however, she realises it's her fiance Barry...

Low Budget (< £100k)

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Joe Edwards Contact

A work-shy employee loses his shit when the staff toilets lose Wi-Fi signal.

Low Budget (< £100k)

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Joe Edwards Contact

A vapid vlogger unboxes the meaning of life.

Low Budget (< £100k)

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Guy Fee Contact

Four teenage girls who’ve committed murder in the past get the chance to wipe the slate clean with God if they can transport a possessed boy from one boundary of a cursed forest to the other in a single night.

Medium Budget (< £500k)

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martin nicholson Contact
Jane's big Christmas adventure

Four quadrants Christmas fantasy

Jane is a junior schoolteacher at Saint Barbara's a school which is built around an old Victorian institution. The headmistress has Covid and the council want to bulldoze the place for housing.

Today the bio-digester has exploded and maintenance men must fix it before tomorrow. This is OK for Jane because she’s got a crush on the handsome young Moch, part time footballer, part time workman. Moch also has the knack of handling the out-of-control young Devon who spreads his angst to everyone.
Tomorrow is school play and Christmas Fete. All the cost-conscious caring parents will be there, they of course hate each other as much as the children.

Saturday comes, the lead shepherd runs headfirst through the cardboard set to escape into another world. He is followed by two angels who both hate him and want to get him.

Jane rushes after them, Moch follows.

Time space portals are always capricious creatures. Once open you can never tell who’s going to cross over one way and who’s going to cross over the other or might already have crossed.

They are now in Christmas card land, it's wonderful but there are complications ahead.

High Budget (> £500k)

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