Rani Sohi Contact
Baby Factory

An accomplished single woman in her 30s seeks a designer baby to solve her deep-rooted insecurities about her identity.

Low Budget (< £100k)

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Vasco de Sousa Contact
Dialogues of Queluz

Every discussion is an argument, except for those that aren't.
Cindy is going through a tough time. Her childhood hero seems to have given up the fight, before giving up on life. She gets heckled when she tries to give a lecture. Her father wants her to buy a house with money she doesn't have. And the bald guy at the gym is really getting on her nerves.

Medium Budget (< £500k)

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Vasco de Sousa Contact
The Merthyr Murders

Gingerlocks would kill to own her own salon, literally. After ten years of loyal service at Hair is Everything, she has earned it.
But when Gingerlocks starts to go bald, she gets fired. The die is cast, and like hiding a bad hairdo, one cut leads to another. At Hair is Everything Salon, the scissors fly so fast, that they end up rinsed in blood.
(Alternative Title: Rinsed in Blood)

Medium Budget (< £500k)

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Vasco de Sousa Contact
Under Quiet Neath

Some people think hell is somewhere below the earth. For Janice, it is somewhere below Neath (near Port Talbot, in Wales.)
In this sleepy industrial estate, everyone goes home for Christmas.

Janice has one last client to see before she and her new employee can go home. But then, it happens. Her assistant Nia locks the door to keep intruders from hearing about a confidential business deal...

...but the key breaks. They are locked in, under the quietest part of Neath.

Low Budget (< £100k)

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Vasco de Sousa Contact
The Douchebag Project

Ever heard of the Blair Witch Project? So did Pitcher. Pitcher believes the myths and now she wants to make her own microbudget movie.

Unfortunately, the local venture capitalist (VC) is only interested in tech start-ups. Worse than that, Pitcher is incredibly lazy and refuses to do any research. She won't even skim through a book on film finance that was recommended by the VC.

But when Pitcher's father's cancer becomes terminal, his hospitalisation leads to a series of events that might help her achieve her dreams.

Medium Budget (< £500k)

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Matthew Lyne-Watt Contact
The Party

After waking up from a rave and discovering that all the party goers are now dead, Terry and the party’s DJ must put the night’s events together to figure out what happened. Liza is having her own party problems after a dark encounter with her new boss at the office party.

Low Budget (< £100k)
Web Series

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Adam Corres Contact
Ink Stains, a farce

Writing something good is only half the battle

Low Budget (< £100k)

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Jamie Munsey Contact

Set in a fictional town somewhere near the Salton Sea, where life is cheap and death is holy... Two oddball best friends come-of-age amidst a religious community eagerly awaiting the Second Coming. Caught between the ruins of yesterday, the ruination of tomorrow, and the nihilism of the present moment, Harpo and Zeke stumble into their identities laughing, dancing, fighting, and growing apart. An understated story about youth, friendship, and the fear and shame that often alienates young, queer people from each other. Somewhere between "Daisies," "Moonrise Kingdom," and "Only The Young" (the documentary, not the Taylor Swift song).
(Harpazo: "to snatch away, to seize, to rapture")

Low Budget (< £100k)

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Mark Hennigan Contact
Life In Frisson

Against his better judgment, a straight-laced prison officer falls for a charismatic prisoner — before discovering that she plans to escape

High Budget (> £500k)

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Dante Tanikie-Montagnani Contact
When I Die

When I Die is the recital of a poem overlaid with art noire animé and an ethereal soundscape

Low Budget (< £100k)

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