Set in London at Christmas. When 2 depressed people sign up to a mysterious club, they want a professional help to end their lives but things spice up, when they are demanded to fulfil the club rules and learn the value of life.
Medium Budget (< £500k)
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A romantic comedy in its first draft, about an outgoing deaf student who suddenly finds herself out of confidence when she falls for a beautiful girl in the library. Unable to communicate with her, she runs away at every given opportunity only to find fate intervening.
Low Budget (< £100k)
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Frustration is a comedy that compares a young woman struggling to masturbate to the Vietnam war. Set in a single room, she only has her childhood teddy, a poster of George Clooney from his ER days and a mysterious box of toys to help her.
Low Budget (< £100k)
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Today on Bryce Hour we'll be discussing the cost of living crisis (which is non-existent you're in the 1%) the origins of COVID (do you believe in a conspiracy?) and the monarchy (if you leave the Royal Family, then should you retain the title of Prince?) Oh, and we'll also be talking to social media influencer Maggie Z, who's uh...questionable taste and political beliefs have made her quite the star. Although, knowing how uncertain the world is at the moment, for all we know today's show may somehow end up in a hostage situation...
No, I'm only kidding of course it won't!
Or am I kidding????
Low Budget (< £100k)
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